When A Cardinal Appears...

Kissing Cardinals
AKA One of my parents' favorites. Which is fitting since they have an over 50 year love story.
I caught these two lovebirds on our back fence last spring and really like how the light creates more of a vignette aspect. After all, it's a little rude to stare too long at lovers loving each other.

All Smiles
I take pictures of cardinals all the time and usually they look annoyed or downright angry. I love how this one is almost smiling as he looks down at me.

Cardinal in Blue
I've heard people say that Cardinals are a message, like pennies from heaven, from lost loved ones. I don't know if that's true but I think of it every time I see one and consequently think of the people in my life who have passed on. And I have to admit, I tend to see them at unexpected times, when I'm hoping from a sign or message to help me on my path.