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Christmas Show Woes


As I mentioned in earlier social media posts, I participated in a Christmas Gift Show this weekend. And not to put too a fine a point on it, it was pretty disappointing. I sold a few things but not enough to cover the booth fee, which is kind of embarrassing.

Cardinals were the biggest hit, I sold these three in different formats:

but no other framed pics.

However, it was at least educational!

One thing I learned is that it’s a bad sign when you get to the show and another vendor pulls up next to you and asks, "Is this is where they’re showing the chickens?."

Seriously, not a good sign when you don’t really create art in the poultry milieu.

To be fair, they weren’t showing the chickens in the same building as the Christmas show but they were right next door. And a lot of people who came for the chicken show also wandered through the show I was in.

I was NOT a big hit with the poultry crowd.

The other thing I should have realized is that I’m not actually great with the Christmas gift crowd overall. I’ve done 6 shows in total - 3 Christmas and 3 art. And although this is the first time I didn’t make my entry fee back, the 2 other Christmas shows were also disappointing.

Perhaps because December 9th is a little late to be buying greeting cards. And also because the other items I sell are art, stuff that you hang on the wall. And a lot of people, including my parents, know that buying someone a gift they have to hang on the wall can be a terrible idea.

The fact that my parents old me this literally the same week I ordered them a painting for their 50th wedding anniversary is a story for another day.

So, I’m limping from the battlefield (literally limping because holy wow I forgot how hard it is to stand on your feet all day) bloody but not beaten. I’ve applied to a juried show in March that's strictly nature related art so I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that one and, in the meantime, flood everyone’s timeline with pics that still won’t focus on chickens and that you don’t have to hang on your wall!

Snowy egret in ocean Sarasota Florida
NOT a chicken




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